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Master of Arts in Theatre

In a rich and challenging environment, the Master of Arts in Theatre at Accademia Dimitri is designed as a space for performance and artistic experimentation.



The program offers a wide range of approaches to theater and performance through the body and its expression. It is aimed at graduates of theater- and art-related degree programs and established artists who wish to enrich their skills, experiences and methodologies by developing new connections within their practice.



The training initially provides common instruction for all students, and then diversifies into three different focuses: Physical Theatre, Figure Theatre (material, object, and puppet theater), and Applied Theatre Practice.


Titolo rilasciato

Master of Arts in Theatre


120 ETCS

Study methods

4 semesters - Full Time

Registration deadline

05 aprile 2025

Start of courses

9 September 2024



Annual fee


CHF 2'400 


Head of Artistic and Basic Training

Anna Gromanova

Basic training administrative assistant

Silviana Vogt

  • Contents
    The training involves learning different techniques of movement and theatrical interpretation, with the aim of acquiring a physical language and capacity for personal expression in Physical Theatre. In addition to the disciplines that form the foundation of the curriculum, the education also offers spaces for independent work and optional courses. The final year of the training is specifically dedicated to the scene and creation, providing tools for the production of the three diploma works in the sixth semester: one individual work realised independently, and two collective works directed by guest directors. Each year a tour of these works is planned in Switzerland and abroad.
  • Objectives
    - to acquire a variety of expressive languages thanks to multidisciplinary training bringing together techniques from the theatre, dance, and circus arts   - to acquire the necessary tools for creation, through experimentation and blending the various disciplines that make up the curriculum   - to develop the ability both to work in a team, making one's skills and inventiveness available to the ensemble, as well as to invest in personal creations.
  • Education program
  • Admission requirements
    minimum age of 18 years hold an upper secondary school (high school or vocational school leaving certificate) or equivalent diploma and/or strong artistic talent

Admission procedure

Step 1 - Application for registration

Candidates must send the registration application, completed in all its parts, attaching the required documentation no later than 5 April 2024.
The admitted candidates are then invited to the entrance exams in Verscio.

The application is only valid upon payment of the application fee for the dossier of CHF 50.- by bank transfer. 


IBAN CH37 8080 8003 1410 9010 4

Accademia Dimitri, Banca Raiffeisen, 6653 Verscio

Admission Examination

Discover the teachers

The teachers of the Master at the Accademia Dimitri experts in various performing arts. With a multidisciplinary approach, guide students toward artistic and creative excellence.

Discover the productions

The productions of the students of master's degree at the Accademia Dimitri they offer an eclectic mix of talent and creativity. They are an expression of the multidisciplinary training and artistic innovation that characterize the academy.

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