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Amelie Rüegsegger

Year Robinia

Amelie Rüegsegger was born in Wil SG in 1999. She has found out about the independent theatre scene since childhood. When she was still in diapers, she 'helped' build sets on tour. She started playing the piano at the age of 7 and music has been an integral part of her life ever since. Having chosen to specialise
in music at secondary school and gymnasium, she was able to gain experience in choir, street music, orchestra (saxophone) and band (electric guitar). Currently, Amelie is also very enthusiastic about composition and body percussion. In addition to music, her life also includes a lot of movement: Lindy Hop, acrobatics, dance, yoga, handball, climbing...
Soon after finishing secondary school, she graduated in geography, astronomy and astrobiology at the University of Zurich. However, she realised that she missed music, movement and theatre and that she had to devote herself completely to these passions. She therefore trained in physical theatre at the Accademia Dimitri, broadening her horizons and learning to express herself through theatre, movement and music.
Gifted with a lot of curiosity, passion, motivation and confidence, Amelie now looks to the future and is looking forward to it!

Spettacolo Teatrale Accademia Dimitri
Amelie Ruegsegger
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