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Diana Khwaja

Master's degree 2nd year

Diana was born in the eastern part of Slovakia with Afghan roots. After finishing her training in classical theater at the Academy of Arts in Banska Bystrica, she moved to Switzerland to study another master, master in physical theater at Accademia Dimitri. Diana has collaborated on multiple international site-specific projects, such as In the belly of the whale (2019), Rooms (2021), Agora (2022), Layers (2023) organized by Theatre Continuo. Besides acting, she is a professional singer. Diana tries to embrace both parts of her up-bringing, so visiting her concert, you will hear afghan folk, afghan and iranian pop, slovak pop and folk as well as english pop songs. Her vision is to support integration of various communities and therefore she has collaborated on educational projects that support foreigners and refugees with Human rights league Slovakia (fjúžn 2019) (fjúžn2020) (kapaCITY).

Spettacolo Teatrale Accademia Dimitri
Amelie Ruegsegger
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