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Emerson Damian Vergel

Master's degree 2nd year

Languages: Spanish, English, Italian, French (basic)

Emerson Vergel is a dancer and physical theatre actor graduated from the Academia Superior de Artes de Bogotá, in Colombia.
In 2014 during his studies in dance, he started his exploration in dramaturgy, corporeal mime, mask and clown, then at 2015 he started the project “La Cuarta Pared” creating and directing dance solos, monologues and video-dance pieces, performing on stages in Colombia and Europe.

Emerson has been a cultural manager in activities for the protection of the environment and is the creator of the first Physical Theatre Camp in Cogua, Colombia (2023).
Interested in deepening his creative research, he joined the master in Physical Theatre at the Accademia Dimitri, Switzerland.
Emerson also works as a dance and physical theatre facilitator in workshops for children, youth and adults.

Spettacolo Teatrale Accademia Dimitri
Amelie Ruegsegger
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