Fanny Déglise
Year Robinia
"Why do we dream? Why is the wind invisible? What is the point of crying?"
When I was a child, continue to ask me questions.
So much so that my parents gave me Le livre des Pourquoi for my fifth birthday. During my childhood, this curiosity led me to explore different fields, such as sports, music, science.... This research is continued during my youth youth. After my maturity, discovering the theatre passion passing a year in Paris.
After studying art history, philosophy and film at the University of Lausanne, I entered the Fribourg Conservatory in the pre-professional Drama class. Afterwards, I continued
my training at the Accademia Teatro Dimitri, where I acquired a solid technical basis in physical and interpretative language that allowed me to develop my artistic universe.
Parallel to my studies, I am creating, with a colleague from my class, an inter-university festival for art students in Ticino as part of the U Change sustainable development platform.
As Lagarce says, we have to preserve places creation, the places of the luxury of thought, the places of the invention of what does not yet exist, the places of yesterday's questioning. We must keep at the centre of our world the place of our uncertainties, the place of our fragility, of our difficulties in saying and feeling.