The Accademia Dimitri is happy to announce enrolment for the Bachelor of Arts in Theatre, for the academic year 2024/2025.
Here the locations of the pre exams
24.03.2024 Verscio, Accademia Dimitri
20.04.2024 Novara, LaRibalta Art Group
21.04.2024 Bern, HKB Studio Bühne
28.04.2024 Stuttgart, Forum Theater
04.05.2024 Paris - Consérvatoire National Supérior d'Art Dramatique
If you are passionate about theatre and wish to become a complete artist in the field of Physical Theatre, you are in the right place!
During their training, students have the opportunity to acquire a valuable mix of practical experience and theoretical knowledge. Regular courses provide a solid foundation, while intensive teaching sessions allow for in-depth study of specific topics, further enriching the training. In addition, theatre productions, both in Switzerland and abroad, provide a real-life laboratory for putting the acquired skills into practice.