An Essay about Nothing
Lukas Roth

Monday 29 April 2024 6.30 p.m. at Teatro Dimitri
Friday 3 May 2024 8.30 p.m. at Teatro Dimitri
𝗙𝗥𝗘𝗘 𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗥𝗬 🎟️ until seats are filled
An Essay about Nothing
An experimental disorder about the ultimate question of being
«NOTHING» is that important that we should think about it. And Lukas Roth is thinking about this as part of his MA Project at the Accademia Dimitri.
We humans would sometimes be better off doing nothing than what we are currently doing, namely torturing our planet and our environment with the constant urge for more. But what is this NOTHING?
Between a forward and a backward movement, between inhaling and exhaling, there is this small moment of standstill - is there NOTHING?
Is NOTHING the opposite of EVERYTHING? What happens when NOTHING happens? And what happens when we die? What then ceases to be?
In a series of experiments at these and similar questions, Lukas Roth moves right into free fall. A play into the absurd until there is no sense left. The paradox is obvious, because in the end not nothing will have happened. Maybe nothing will come out of it which would be fundamentally satisfying in this case.
Concept, idea, play, music: Lukas Roth
Live-music and composition: Andrea Kirchhofer, Jeanne Larrouturou
External eye and dramaturgical collaboration: Camille Hafner and Moritz Praxmarer Lightning design and technical support: Christoph Siegenthaler | Andrea Ferrari
Photo: Andrin Winteler
Grafics: Camille Hafner
Production: Lukas Roth – kooprteatr Mönchaltorf
60 Minutes
With the kind support of:
Accademia Teatro Dimitri | SUPSI – Scuola universitaria professionale della Swizzera Italiana, Uster - Wohnstadt am Wasser | Förderpreis der Gemeinde Mönchaltorf